Friday, July 20, 2012

oDesk Adobe Photoshop CS3 Test Answer

1. Question:  
Which of the following is not true about multichannel mode?
d. None of the above

2. Question:  
The Match Color command works only in the RGB modes.
a. True

 3. Question: 
 Which among the following files, saved in the Adobe Photoshop format is used by the filter to create displacement map?
d. Flattened file

4. Question: 
Which among the following lock options in the Layers palette prevents modification of the layer’s pixels using the painting tools?
b. B

5. Question:  
Video layers do not work in the Frame mode.
a. True

6. Question:  
Which option adjusts Highlights in the Levels dialog box?
c. C

7. Question: 
Which among the following blending modes is available only for the Apply image and Calculations commands?
c Both a and b

 8. Question:
Hanging Punctuation control the alignment of the punctuation marks for a specific paragraph.
a. True

9. Question: 
Which of the given options displays Converts to Timeline mode in an animation palette?
d. D

10. Question: 
Which option will you choose to select all layers of a similar type?
b. Select one of the layers. Right click and choose Select Similar Layers from the list.
d. All of the above

11. Question: 
Auto Blend Layers is available for which of the following Modes?
c.  both a & b

12. Question:  
Which of the given options displays the Modal control in the Actions palette?
d. D

13. Question:
Which animation mode shows the frame duration and Keyframed layer properties of the videos and animations in a time line?
a. Timeline

14. Question:   
You cannot change the order of the vector masks or working paths in the path palette.
a. True.
b. false

15. Question:
Which option will you select to remove an effect from a style?
a. In the Layers palette, drag the Effects bar to the Delete icon.

16. Question: 
Which among the following is not a right option for selecting web-safe color from the Color Palette?
c. Choose Current Color from the Color Palette Menu.

17. Question:  
Which type of information is not displayed by the info palette?    
   It does not display the opacity of the current layer                                           
d. none of above.

18. Question:  
Photoshop supports a maximum pixel dimension of 300,000 by 300,000 pixels per image.
a. True

19. Question:  
What is the use of the Make Work Path command in the Paths Palette?
c. Both a and b

20. Question:  
When you create a new image with the transparent content, the image does not have a background layer.
a. True

 21. Question
In which of the given instances, a caution icon appears next to the layer comp name as shown in the picture?
d. All of the above.

22. Question:  
Which option will you choose to Refresh a Histogram?
d. All of the above.

23. Question:  
Which option will you select to convert Types to Shapes?
d. Both b and c

24. Question: 
Which of the given options displays left indent in the paragraph palette?
b. B

25. Question:  
Changing units on the info palette automatically changes the units on Rulers.
a. True

26. Question:  
Which of the given options displays an Action Safe Area?
a. A

27. Question:  
Which of the given options displays the Set Tsume option in the Character Palette?
b. B

28. Question: 
Which option will you choose to convert Document Colors into anther profile?
b. Choose Edit>convert to profile

29. Question:  
Which view will you choose to display a Histogram with no Controls or Statistics?
b. Compact view
All of the above

30. Question:  
Which among the following is/are not true about the Fill pixels (Drawing mode) as shown in the picture?
b. In this mode, you can create vector images
c. Both b and c

 31. Question: 
 You cannot transform the background color.
a. True.

32. Question:  
Which of the following is not true about a Droplet?
d. None of the above.

 33. Question: 
The mask created by the Replace Color command is permanent.
b. False

34. Question:  
Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you choose to select the History Brush tool?
a. Y

35. Question: 
You cannot arrange the stacking order of the Auto Slices
a. True

37. Question: 
Which type of images are resolution-dependant?
b. Vector images

38. Question: 
What do you mean by Kerning?
a. It is the process of adding and subtracting spaces between specific pairs of characters.

39. Question:  
Which file format can be used to save Lab images?
d. All of the above.

40. Question:  
Which among the following methods adds pixels by averaging the color values of the surrounding pixels and produces medium-quality results?
a. Bilinear

22. Question: 
Which of the following is not a kind of text type?
d. Line type

3. Question:
A working space is an intermediate color space used to define and edit color in Adobe applications.


4. Question:
The Out Of Gamut option works only on RGB and Lab images.


5. Question: 
Channels can not be added to which of the following image modes?
c. Bitmap

6. Question:
A Motion Picture film has a frame rate of how many fps?


7. Question: 
Which of the following is not true about Filters?
d. None of the above

10. Question:
Which of the following options displays Temporary Work Path in the Paths palette?


15. Question:
What is meant by Contact Sheet?

a. Contact Sheets let you easily preview and catalog groups of images by displaying a series of thumbnails on a single page

16. Question:
Which of the following features is supported by the EPS file format?

It supports the Grayscale and Bitmap color modes

17. Question:
Which option is not turned off by the Extras command in the View menu?

It does not turn off the Rulers feature

18. Question:
Which option will you select to display a file at 100% size?

Choose View > Actual Pixels

19. Question:
What is the use of the Make Work Path command in the Paths palette ?

It can alter the shape of a selection

22.  Question:
When will the Dynamic shortcuts appear in the Character Palette Menu as shown in the picture?

All of the above

24. Question:
Which of the following is not true about the Curves dialog box?

The Curves dialog box lets you adjust up to 14 different points throughout an image’s tonal range *

21. Question: 
In which Format will you save your file to preserve the Alpha channels?
d. All of the above

26. Question:
Which of the following is not a Color Adjustment command?

Adjustment command

16. Question: 
Which of the following options displays the Spot Channels in the Channels palette?
b.  B

28. Question:
Which of the following is not a type of Variable?

Image variables

29. Question:
Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you choose to permanently Clear History (no Undo)?

Alt + Clear History

31. Question:
Which among the following Slices cannot be divided?

Layer-based slices

32. Question:
Which among the following is not a Duotone mode type?


33. Question:
You cannot create Work paths from the fonts that do not include the outline data.


34. Question:
What is the colored box in the Navigator Palette known as?

Proxy preview area

3. Question: 
Which of the following Filters cannot be applied to a Smart Object?
Pattern Maker

1. Question: 
Which of the Saving commands is available for an image that is managed by a Version Cue Workspace?
Check In

4. Question: 
With which of the given options does the Signal Strength Meter appear?
It appears when you choose 'merge to hdr command'

6. Question: 
Which among the following Modes does not support layers?
d. All of the above

9. Question: 
Which of the following Slices is created with the Slice Tool?
User slices

15. Question: 
Anti-aliasing option is available for which of the given Tools?
All of the above

17. Question: 
What happens when Use Legacy is selected as shown in the given picture?
It is used to apply proportionate (nonlinear) adjustments to image pixels

18. Question: 
Which option will you select to open the Levels dialog box?
Choose Image > Adjustments > Levels

20. Question: 
Which Liquify Tool is used to reconstruct a part of a distorted image?
a. A

25. Question: 
Which of the following Layer properties can be animated?
d. All of the above

28. Question: 
Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you choose to group Layers?
Control + G

29. Question: 
Which among the following QuickTime Video formats is supported by Photoshop extended?
All of the above

30. Question: 
The Rotate Canvas command does not work on which of the following
All of the above

34. Question: 
By default, Masks applied to Smart objects are linked to Smart object layers. .
37. Question: 
Which option will you select to remove the existing profile from the document in the given image?

39. Question: 
The Color Replacement Tool does not work in which of the following Image modes?
All of the above

40. Question: 
In which of the following Modes can you draw while working with the Shape or Pen tools?
All of the above

42. Question: 
Which keyboard shortcut (windows) will you choose to close a Path?
None of the above

Monday, May 16, 2011

Funny Quotes Website

Funny quotes to keep you laughing

One of the great things about quotes is that they can express such a range of emotions. They can make you cry, they can soothe the soul, they can express the longing of love, and thankfully, they can make you howl with laughter.

Funny quotes are real treasures in a world that often takes itself way too seriously. From contemporary comedians to the timeless tongue-in-cheek wisdom of the ageless greats—Will Rogers, Mark Twain and Groucho Marx—there are funny quotes for all occasions and all senses of humor.

What you say? People have different senses of humor? Why yes, they do. Some like funny quotes to be on the dry side of wit while others want a boldfaced twist of words that will have them rolling on the floor uncontrollably.

For example, there are countless anonymous classics, such as “Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery” or the sage advice of “Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.”

Others gravitate to the funny quotes of the famed comedians. Joan Rivers is famous for her one-liners such as: "I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw that my bath toys were a toaster and a radio."  So is Rodney Dangerfield: “"When I was born the doctor took one look at my face… turned me over and said, Look… twins!"

Funny quotes can also be quite truthful and timely, such as Robert Orben’s: "Washington is a place where politicians don't know which way is up and taxes don't know which way is down."

In an age of social media—Twitter, Facebook and so on—funny quotes can give you something worthwhile to say, even when your own witty words momentarily escape you.

They can also add a little levity to a more serious occasion. Who doesn’t like a little laugh during a wedding toast? Instead of being all serious, boring guests to tears, you can be the life of the party by offering up funny quotes from the likes of Zsa Zsa Gabor, who certainly knows a thing or two about marriage: “A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he's finished.”

Fortunately, finding funny quotes is easy these days. You can use the handy search feature to find a specific category of quotes, including “Funny.” Just click on the category and off you go. Or you can narrow your search by the author or the topic that needs a humorous quotation. Chances are good that you’ll find just the right quote quickly and easily, ready to delight friends and family with something that matches your unique sense of humor.

While many of these funny quotes are attributed to famous people, don’t overlook the anonymous and unknown entries. They can provide just as much laughter, even though nobody took credit for them. For example, who doesn’t love: “When I die, I want to go peacefully like my grandfather did, in his sleep—not screaming, like the passengers in his car.”

Saturday, August 21, 2010


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